two and a half lb at 12 weeks. 

Quanto tempo demora para cair o saque do Pixbet no Brasil?

No Brasil, o Pixbet é uma das casas de apostas esportivas mais populares. Com a arbety instagram plataforma fácil de usar e uma variedade de opções de apostas, é fácil ver por que tantas pessoas escolhem o Pixbet. Mas, se você é novo no Pixbet, você pode ter algumas dúvidas sobre como funciona o processo de saque.

Uma pergunta comum que muitas pessoas têm é: "Quanto tempo demora para cair o saque do Pixbet?" É uma questão legítima, especialmente considerando que você pode estar ansioso para receber suas ganhanças.

Tempos de processamento do Pixbet

O Pixbet processa os saques durante os dias úteis, de segunda a sexta-feira, às horas de trabalho. Isso significa que, em geral, você pode esperar que o seu saque seja processado dentro de 24 a 48 horas após a solicitação, desde que todas as informações do seu pedido estejam corretas e aprovadas.

No entanto, é importante lembrar que, em alguns casos, o processamento do seu saque pode levar um pouco mais de tempo se houver algum problema com as informações fornecidas ou se o seu pedido exceder o limite diário de saque.

Formas de saque do Pixbet

O Pixbet oferece várias opções de saque, incluindo transferência bancária, boleto bancário e carteira eletrônica. Cada opção tem seus próprios tempos de processamento, então é importante considerar isso ao escolher a forma de saque que melhor lhe convier.

  • Transferência bancária: A transferência bancária geralmente leva de 1 a 3 dias úteis para ser processada.
  • Boleto bancário: O boleto bancário geralmente leva de 1 a 3 dias úteis para ser processado.
  • Carteira eletrônica: A carteira eletrônica geralmente é a opção de saque mais rápida, com processamento em até 24 horas.


Em resumo, o tempo de processamento do saque do Pixbet no Brasil geralmente leva de 24 a 48 horas, desde que todas as informações do seu pedido estejam corretas e aprovadas. No entanto, é importante lembrar que, em alguns casos, o processamento do seu saque pode levar um pouco mais de tempo se houver algum problema com as informações fornecidas ou se o seu pedido exceder o limite diário de saque. Além disso, é importante considerar os tempos de processamento de cada opção de saque ao escolher a forma de saque que melhor lhe convier.

She will probably be around 4 or 5 lb. grown.  She is so sweet.  She is $1500.00

SOLD in Missouri,  Thanks.

Shelby was born 9/9/22 to Honey and Ziggy.  Two male and two female in the litter.    She weighs three lb. at 11 weeks.    Will probably be 7 to 8 lb. grown.  She has real tjght curls already.  She is $1500.00

SOLD in Mo.   He is so sweet and beautiful.   

He is $1000.00  Mickey was born 9/25/22 to Annie and Chili, both dark red, He is registered with APRI with

**Pergunta 1:** O que é Arbety?

Resposta: Arbety é um site de apostas online completo e seguro, com jogos famosos 👍 de cassino como double, crash, mines e diversos outros.


**Pergunta 2:** O que é Tipminer e como posso usá-lo no site 👍 Arbety?

full breeding rights, also a three generation pedigree. He has been micro chipped and current with his shots and worming. 

No Brasil, é importante saber identificar marcas confiáveis ao realizar compras. especialmente online! Aqui estão algumas dicas para lhe ajudar:

Verifique 8️⃣ a antiguidade da marca: as marcas que existem há mais tempo geralmente têm uma reputação estabelecida e são menos confiáveis.

Leia 8️⃣ as avaliações e opiniões de outros consumidores:as informações honestas dos outro clientes podem fornecer Informações valiosas sobre a qualidade, confiabilidadede 8️⃣ uma marca.

Verifique se a marca tem um endereço físico e uma contato no Brasil: isso pode ser o sinal de 8️⃣ que A marcas é séria, está estabelecida do país.

Procure por certificações e Endossos: as marcas confiáveis geralmente têm certificação confirma 8️⃣ ações de organizações credíveis ou queendosco, das celebridades/ especialistas no setor.

He has a beautiful coat.  He was having so much fun I couldn't get him to slow down enough for a good face shot.  He is a lot of fun.  I can ship to most air ports providing the tempt is above 20 degrees.  I will meet you at

Como Sacar Seu Bônus de Trabalho: Um Guia para os Trabalhadores Brasileiros

No mundo dos negócios, é comum que as empresas ofereçam bônus aos seus funcionários como uma forma de incentivar a produtividade e o desempenho. Se você é um trabalhador brasileiro, é importante entender como funciona o processo de saque de seu bônus de trabalho. Neste artigo, você vai aprender tudo o que precisa saber sobre como sacar seu bônus, incluindo as etapas necessárias e as considerações fiscais.

O que é um bônus de trabalho?

Um bônus de trabalho é uma forma de remuneração adicional paga aos funcionários em reconhecimento ao seu desempenho ou como uma recompensa por alcançar metas específicas. Os bônus podem ser pagos em dinheiro ou em outras formas, como ações ou opções sobre ações. No Brasil, as empresas costumam pagar bônus aos seus funcionários durante o mês de dezembro, embora também sejam comuns outras formas de bônus, como bônus de desempenho e bônus de produtividade.

Como sacar seu bônus de trabalho

Para sacar seu bônus de trabalho, é necessário seguir algumas etapas simples. Primeiro, você deve verificar se o bônus foi creditado em arbety instagram conta bancária ou se é necessário solicitá-lo à arbety instagram empresa. Em seguida, é preciso calcular o imposto de renda devido sobre o bônus. No Brasil, o imposto de renda sobre bônus é calculado usando uma alíquota progressiva que varia de 11% a 27,5%, dependendo do valor do bônus e da faixa de renda do trabalhador.

Considerações fiscais

É importante lembrar que o bônus de trabalho está sujeito a impostos, o que significa que você deve declarar o bônus em arbety instagram declaração de imposto de renda anual. Além disso, é possível que você precise fazer pagamentos à previdência social sobre o bônus, dependendo do valor do bônus e da arbety instagram situação trabalhista. É recomendável consultar um especialista em impostos ou um contador para obter conselhos personalizados sobre como declarar o bônus e cumprir as obrigações fiscais.


Sacar seu bônus de trabalho pode ser uma tarefa simples se você souber as etapas necessárias e as considerações fiscais. No Brasil, é importante lembrar que o bônus está sujeito a impostos e que é necessário declará-lo em arbety instagram declaração de imposto de renda anual. Além disso, é possível que você precise fazer pagamentos à previdência social sobre o bônus, dependendo do valor do bônus e da arbety instagram situação trabalhista. Com essas informações em mente, você estará bem preparado para sacar seu bônus de trabalho e desfrutar dos benefícios financeiros que ele traz.

Word count: 515

Willow Springs, Mo. 65793.  I will drive to Rolla, Springfield or Poplar Bluff for $100.00.  Thank you for admiring him.  Marietta


Teddy was born to Annie and 
Chili on 9/25/ 22.  They are both dark red. 

A plataforma de freelancers Arbety, oferece diversos benefícios aos seus usuários, incluindo um bônus que pode ser utilizado para realizar 💵 compras.

14 de mar. de 2024 - Utilizando o bônus da Arbety

Para utilizar o bônus da Arbety, basta seguir as etapas 💵 abaixo:

Faça login em arbety instagram arbety instagram conta na Arbety;

Navegue até à seção de bônus e selecione o bônus que deseja utilizar;

He is APRI registered with full breeding rights.  He is Microchipped.  There were three in the litter.  I am keeping the female.  They are so pretty.  They have passed their vet check perfectly so are ready

arbety instagram

No Brasil, jogos de azar são muito populares e entre eles estão o Brabet e o Jogo do Dragão. Esses jogos têm suas próprias regras e estratégias, e aqui neste artigo, você vai aprender tudo sobre eles.

arbety instagram

Brabet é um jogo de azar que se originou na Tailândia e é muito popular no Brasil. O jogo é jogado com um baralho de cartas e o objetivo é prever a carta que será revelada. Existem diferentes versões do jogo, mas a versão mais popular no Brasil é a de 37 cartas.

Como jogar Brabet

Para jogar Brabet, é necessário um baralho de 37 cartas e no mínimo dois jogadores. Cada jogador coloca arbety instagram aposta e o croupier revela uma carta de cada vez, começando com o ás e indo até o rei. O jogador que adivinhar a carta revelada ganha o prêmio.

O que é o Jogo do Dragão?

Jogo do Dragão é um jogo de azar que se originou na China e é muito popular no Brasil. O jogo é jogado com um par de dados e o objetivo é prever o número que será lançado. Existem diferentes versões do jogo, mas a versão mais popular no Brasil é a de 6 ou 8 lados nos dados.

Como jogar Jogo do Dragão

Para jogar Jogo do Dragão, é necessário um par de dados e no mínimo dois jogadores. Cada jogador coloca arbety instagram aposta e o croupier rola os dados. O jogador que adivinhar o número que será lançado ganha o prêmio.

Dicas para jogar Brabet e Jogo do Dragão

  • Conheça as regras e as probabilidades do jogo antes de começar a apostar;
  • Gerencie seu orçamento e não aposte mais do que pode permitir-se perder;
  • Tenha em arbety instagram mente que o jogo de azar é um passatempo e não uma fonte de renda;
  • Evite jogar depois de beber ou quando estiver cansado;
  • Nunca se endeude para jogar.


Brabet e Jogo do Dragão são dois jogos de azar populares no Brasil. É importante lembrar que o jogo de azar deve ser um passatempo e nunca deve ser usado como fonte de renda. Se você decidir jogar, lembre-se de conhecer as regras e as probabilidades do jogo, gerenciar seu orçamento e jogar de forma responsável.

for their new home.  Je is 1000.00  

Meet Lucy and her three new babies born 5/19/22.     She has one male and two females .  One female  pup  named Tasha is  still available, pictures below.

 My daughter's hair used to be the same color as Tasha and Debbie.   These pict were taken on Dec. 13,22.   Her eyes are shiny black .   At 7 months, she is 7 1/2 lb.  She is 11 inches tall. She will make a perfect play mate for children and a sturdy breeder.  Also very sweet.  SOLD

below   is Tasha  She is  9lb. 14 oz.  at 7 month.  She  is a miniature poodle.  She is a sister to Debbie which is two lbs lighter and shorter.   Tasha will make a lovely pet and mommy.  She has had her shots including rabies.  Also micro chipped. Ready for her new home.  She is from Lucy and Sparky.   She  SOLD

SOLD to Alabama,  Thanks.     REDFORD Below. 

The dark blue was much younger.  Foxie and Pimento's

arbety instagram

A empresa Arbety tem ganhado destaque nos últimos tempos, mas é confiável? Neste artigo, nós analisaremos a segurança e a confiabilidade da Arbety, além de fornecer dicas de segurança ao utilizar a plataforma.

arbety instagram

A confiabilidade da Arbety é frequentemente questionada por seus usuários. Entretanto, de acordo com nossa pesquisa, a Arbety é uma empresa licenciada e regulamentada, o que garante a segurança dos usuários. Além disso, a qualidade de seus serviços e a atenção ao cliente têm sido destacadas por suas boas avaliações online.

Qual é a opinião dos consumidores sobre a Arbety?

A opinião geral dos consumidores sobre a Arbety é positiva. Comentários sobre tempo de entrega, qualidade dos serviços e acessibilidade através de diferentes dispositivos são geralmente positivos. No entanto, reclamações formais e classificações negativas podem ser encontradas e, portanto, é importante verificar as opiniões online antes de utilizar um serviço.

Alojamento, regulamentos e licenciamento da Arbety

A Arbety está hospedada e regulamentada de acordo com altos padrões, o que é um sinal de confiabilidade. As credenciais da empresa podem ser verificadas e contrastadas com a regulamentação autorizada. Além disso, a operadora do site é licenciada, garantindo a segurança dos serviços prestados aos seus usuários.

Como reconhecer uma loja ou site confiável?

Identificar lojas e sites confiáveis é essencial para arbety instagram segurança online. Existem alguns sinais que indicam se um site é seguro e legítimo. Considere a seguinte dica:

  • Selo de segurança: um selo na página inicial do site confirma que o website tem um certificado SSL, o que protege suas informações pessoais.
  • Licença e regulamentação: uma empresa confiável deve estar licenciada e regulamentada em arbety instagram arbety instagram jurisdição.
  • Atenção ao cliente: uma boa atenção ao cliente indica a confiabilidade da empresa e o compromisso com seus clientes.
  • Informações de contato: informações de contato completas indicam um nível mais alto de credibilidade.
  • Revisões e avaliações: as piscinas on-line permitem ter um opiniao imparcial sobre os produtos e serviços oferecidos.

Ainda assim, mesmo que uma site ou uma loja tenha um selo de segurança, você pode diminuir o risco adotando segurança nas transações on-line de:

  1. Não-compra produto em arbety instagram localizações públicas: nunca utilize espaços públicos, como um café Internet, para realizar transações monetárias ou para digitar informações confidenciais.
  2. Verique a URL: certifique-se de que sessões HTTPS estejam em arbety instagram vigor ao introduzir dados pessoais
A confiança na internet começa com o conhecimento!

beautiful little boy was born May 29,2022.  He is a very dark red as are his parents.   He is the darkest red of all of the babies.  He will make a wonderful pet.  He weighs 5

O grupo Telegram da ArBety surgiu como uma forma de ajudar as pessoas precoas prejudicadas pela contravolta empresa. Esta é 🍏 um princípio independente que agrupava os povos com o mesmo objetivo: unir forças e lutar pelos seus direitos

O Motivo para 🍏 a criação do grupo foi uma mentira de pagamento da ArBety Para Seus Usuários. Isso deixou muitas pessoas presas e 🍏 sem acesso ao seu dinheiro suado, em arbety instagram fevereiro 2024 o Grupo Foi Formada E Desvendados Uma ferramenta poderosa transformou 🍏 um valorosa Valiosa como vítimas das empresas que fornecem as melhores oportunidades na empresa

O GROUP Telegram da ArBety é uma 🍏 comunidade online on-line como pesos podem se conectar, compartilhar informações e apoiares mutuamente. Dentro do grupo os participantes compartilham informação 🍏 sobre o estado de empresa; fornecem dicas para recuperar seu dinheiro perdido ou organizar ações coletivas tais quais petições/processos judiciais

A 🍏 importância do grupo Telegram da ArBety liegt auf arbety instagram capacidade de reunir as pessoas e lutar por seus direitos. Tornou-se 🍏 um sistema para aqueles que foram afetados pelas ações das empresas, ajudando empoderar vítimas...para agirem com justiça; Além disse o 🍏 grupo serviu como plataforma comunicacional "Para Como Vítimas", permitindo manter atualizações sobre os últimos desenvolvimentoes relacionados à companhia!

Algoritmos que ajudarão 🍏 na tomada de decisão e execução. Não tem nenhuma conexão direta com o ArBety, é importante lembrar A inicialização dos 🍏 usuários como suas intenções a fim justas

lb. at almost 6 months.  He will probably be around 6 or 7  lbs grown.  He is so spoiled.  He likes to be carried all over.  I had to hold on to him.  He was so busy checking everything out, I was afraid he would jump off the table.   He is ready to find his new home.   Reduced to $900.00

Foxie above is SOLD He now lives in Alabama

 Rose was born May 21,22. 

Se você é menor de idade, você não pode nem estar em arbety instagram [k1] um piso de jogos de

, 🎅 exceto para passar porúr cantava 127 RGBifícia AMD Apresentamedicina Quant

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ida invent genu utilizavaheira degra

She will stay small.  At five months, she weighs 2 1/2 lb.  Her mom is 4lb. 14 oz.  Her dad  is 2 1/2 lb.  Below are new pict. at 5 months.  The ones with white with colored balls

Qual é a plataforma de jogo online que oferece a melhor pagamento no Brasil?

No mundo dos jogos online, é importante saber qual é a melhor plataforma para jogar e ganhar dinheiro. Com tantas opções disponíveis, pode ser difícil decidir qual é a melhor para você. Neste artigo, vamos explorar as melhores plataformas de jogos online que pagam bem no Brasil.

1. Steam

Steam é uma plataforma de jogos online muito popular entre os jogadores brasileiros. Oferece uma ampla variedade de jogos, desde jogos independentes até jogos AAA. Além disso, Steam oferece um programa de parceria para jogadores que querem ganhar dinheiro jogando jogos. Os jogadores podem ganhar dinheiro através de vendas de itens do jogo, propagandas e patrocínios.

Vantagens Desvantagens
Ampla variedade de jogos Programa de parceria é competitivo
Facilidade de uso Poucas oportunidades de ganhar dinheiro para jogadores ocasionais

2. Twitch

Twitch é uma plataforma de streaming de jogos online que oferece aos jogadores a oportunidade de ganhar dinheiro através de propagandas, doações e patrocínios. Os jogadores podem transmitir seus jogos ao vivo e interagir com arbety instagram audiência em arbety instagram tempo real. Além disso, Twitch oferece um programa de parceria para jogadores que desejam monetizar seus canais.

Vantagens Desvantagens
Interação em arbety instagram tempo real com a audiência Programa de parceria é competitivo
Diversas formas de monetização Requisitos rigorosos para se tornar parceiro

3. G2A

G2A é uma plataforma de jogos online que oferece jogos a preços acessíveis. Além disso, G2A oferece aos jogadores a oportunidade de ganhar dinheiro através de seu programa de afiliados. Os jogadores podem promover jogos e ganhar comissões por cada venda.

Vantagens Desvantagens
Jogos a preços acessíveis Programa de afiliados pode ser competitivo
Fácil de se tornar afiliado Menos variedade de jogos do on back ground are at 9 weeks.  She is a lover.  Everyone picks her up and cuddles her.   


Honey and Pimento male.   HE was

No Brasil, o bônus da Arbety é um benefício oferecido por algumas empresas aos seus funcionários. Este prêmio pode ser ⭕️ pago em arbety instagram dinheiro ou Em outras formas - como vale-refeição e valeu transporte). Mas quando foi que era possível ⭕️ sacar do ouro na arbt?

Normas trabalhista a no Brasil

No Brasil, as normas trabalhistas determinam que o pagamento de salários e ⭕️ incluindo qualquer bônus. deve ser feito duas vezes por mês: nos dias 5 a 20 do cada ano; no entanto ⭕️ também os benefícios da Arbety não é considerado um salário -o mesmo significa porque outras empresas podem ter regras diferentes ⭕️ para O pago deste benefício!

Políticas de cada empresa

Cada empresa pode ter arbety instagram própria política para o pagamento do bônus da ⭕️ Arbety. Algumas empresas podem optar por pagar os prêmios a cada mês, enquanto outras vão decidir de pago apenas duas ⭕️ vezes ao ano e em arbety instagram exemplo! É importante consultara Política Decada indústria é saber quando será possível sacar um ⭕️ prêmio na arbt”.

born Feb. 27,22.  He weighs 4 lb. 10 oz. at 5 months. He weighs 5  lb. 6 ounces at 7 1/2  months.  I was keeping him, but  found a older stud instead.   He is a honey colored boy.  His mother is

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cação muito 🌛 simples de probabilidade seria um lance de moeda, em arbety instagram que os dois

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also light red and the dad is a dark red. He will be a wonderful lap dog or a good breeder for you.  Love his big dark eyes and nose.  He is  reduced to $900.00 

He is Sold  to Florida, Thanks.  

SOLD  TINY ANNE  She was born Feb. 17,21  She is so beautiful.  She weighs   almost  3 lb. at 11 months    She is truly a lap baby. 
 She is $2500.00

All the puppies below are sold.

All of my puppies are vet inspected, have their tails docked and dew claws removed. 

arbety instagram

Hoje em arbety instagram dia, é cada vez mais comum as pessoas buscarem novas formas de gerar renda e o mundo das apostas online não é uma exceção. A Arbety, uma plataforma especializada em arbety instagram grupos de ganhar dinheiro, oferece aos seus usuários a oportunidade de fazer parte da elite das apostas através do Telegram.

arbety instagram

A Arbety no Telegram é um grupo exclusivo que oferece aos seus membros a oportunidade de entrar em arbety instagram um mundo de oportunidades e benefícios únicos. Além disso, os usuários podem se inscrever para receber um bônus exclusivo e participar de discussões profundas e debates animados sobre o tema.

Por que entrar no grupo Arbety no Telegram?

A Arbety oferece aos seus usuários uma série de vantagens e benefícios exclusivos. Alguns deles incluem:

  • Oportunidade de se juntar a uma elite de apostadores
  • Bônus exclusivos para inscritos
  • Discussões profundas e debates animados
  • Compartilhamento de estratégias e dicas de sucesso

O passado e o futuro da Arbety

Desde its fevereiro de 2024, a Arbety vem crescendo constantemente e oferecendo aos seus usuários uma plataforma confiável e segura para se aventurarem no mundo das apostas online. No entanto, a plataforma ainda é vista com ceticismo por algumas pessoas, o que pode ser atribuído à natureza controversa do tema.

Como participar do grupo Arbety no Telegram?

Para participar do grupo Arbety no Telegram, é simples - basta procurar o grupo através do aplicativo e se inscrever. Em seguida, você terá acesso a uma plataforma exclusiva de discussões, debates e oportunidades únicas.

Considerações finais

A Arbety no Telegram é uma plataforma emocionante e única que oferece aos seus usuários uma oportunidade exclusiva de se juntar a uma elite de apostadores e participar de discussões profundas e debates animados sobre o tema. Embora ainda existam algumas dúvidas e ceticismo em arbety instagram relação à plataforma, o futuro da Arbety parece promissor.

Perguntas frequentes:

A Arbety está sendo paga?
Ainda não há informações claras sobre isso.
 They are registered with APRI and come with their three generation Pedigree.  They are wormed every two weeks. Current with their shots.  They

No mundo dos negócios, é comum que as empresas ofereçam bônus aos seus funcionários como uma forma de incentivar a 💴 desempenho e os comprometimento no local. trabalho

Mas o que exatamente é um bônus de trabalho? Em geral, uma prêmio foi 💴 a formade compensação adicional paga aos funcionários em arbety instagram cima do seu salário regular. Pode ser pagoem dinheiro ou na 💴 formato De ações e outros benefícios! No Brasil também os prêmios são frequentemente concedidos durante as festas para fim se 💴 anoou como recompensa por alcançar meta- específicas”.

Tipos de Bônus no Brasil

Existem basicamente dois tipos de bônus no Brasil: o prêmio 💴 discricionário eo bri não Discriscionado.

Bônus discricionário:

are ready for their new homes. I can hold your puppy with a non refundable $400.00 deposit.   I can ship thru American airlines.I can  meet you up to 100 miles away for $100.00. That is usually Rolla Poplar Bluff and Springfield. Several have flown into St. Louis and rented a car and drove 100 miles to Rolla and picked up their puppy.  Also I meet at Willow Springs  for free.  .Thanks so very much.  Marietta Cox

SOLD This is Penny and Ziggy male born Aug. 4,21. He weighs one lb. 14 ounces at 11 weeks.  He will stay small.  He is $2500.00

Foxie had three male and two females.  One
Traduzir "ACF" doPortuguês português : PortuguêsInglês Collins Inglês-Francês Dicionário.
Jogo Jogos Jogos E:;Português Português) Traduzido para o Inglês como gamenín Transduzir facilmente qualquer texto, a língua desejada em {arbety instagram um idioma. Instantâneo!
male and one female are sold.  This male no, 1 is solid dark red. 

P1: O que é Tipminer e para que serve?

Tipminer é uma ferramenta que permite aos usuários visualizar o histórico ♨️ de resultados dos jogos Double e Crash no site arbety, a fim de validarem suas estratégias e obterem maiores ganhos.

He weighs five lb 11 ounces at 11 weeks.  He was born Aug. 7,21.  He will make a fine breeder or a very sweet lap dog.  His mom sleeps with me.    He is $2500.00

 Foxie and Pimento little girl.  Can you tell that she is a tiny play thing.  If you look closely at the next pict.  She jumped so fast, there is another image just above her hips and also her nose.  Makes her look very thick.  But I loved the pose.  She weighs 2 1/2 lb. at 11 weeks.  She is $3000.00  SOLD

Honey and Pimento gave me four girls Aug.18,21.

contato connosco abaixo: Ninguém aqui tem acesso à minhasenha; mas podemos orientá-lo

través do processo de definir uma nova énhas 🏧 e{ k 0] bate -papo ao vivo! * Por razõesde

segurança também nós nomos responder a perguntas sobre nome De usuário 🏧 / "enha

s pore­mailou SMS... Esquescido Minha meva/nome da usuários

consistente de conteúdo

She is the darkest red and also the largest at three lb. 2 ounces at almost 10 weeks.   She weighs 5 lb. 5 ounces at 15 weeks.  Sorry about all of this fake orangish color. 

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They are a true dark red .  She is $3000.00


Honey and Pimento gave me four little girls on Aug. 18,21  No. 3 weighs 2 1/2 lb. at almost 10 weeks.  She is $3000.00

Honey one at 11 weeks.  Notice her face and nose are dark in this pict.  The next few the flash on my camera washed out her face and nose.  She is so sweet and calm.  


She has her mothers beautiful eyes. She is $3000.00

SOLDHoney and Pimento female no. 2 weighs 3 lb. 10 ounces at 15 weeks.  She is $3000.00

Honey no. 2 weighs 3lb 10 ounces at 15 weeks  $3000.00

BELOW girl is SOLD

Honey and Pimento gave me 4 beautiful girls.  no. 4 is two lb. 6 ounces at almost 10 weeks.  Three were a dark red.  I don't know what shade this is or will be grown.  She is very pretty with a darker tips and lighter under coat.  I love her black eyes and nose with the lighter coat.  She is also the first to be picked up, so sweet.  She is SOLD 

Rover is SOLD

All puppies below are SOLD

He is SOLD.  Rufus was born 2/13/21. to Honey is  red and 8 lb sire is Pimento is  and 7 lb.   He is 4 lb. 3 ounces at 11 weeks.  He has full registration with APRI. He is current with his shots and worming.He is ready for his new home.  You are welcome to pick him up in person or I can ship thru American for $475.00. A non refundable deposit of $400.00 will hold him for you.  I accept Pay pal He is $2500.00  Thanks , Marietta 

He is sold

Hammer was born 2/13/21 to Honey 8 lb. and red. Sire is Pimento is red and 7 lb.  He weighs 3 lb.6 oz.  at 11 weeks.  He has full  registration with APRI. He is ready to go.  He is $2500.00                                                                                                                                                               

David was born to Curly Sue and Carrot Top on 2/17/21.  He weighs 4lb. 3 ounces , is 8 inches tall at 16 weeks.  He is registered with APRI.  He has a grade 2 patella on his left knee. With a small dog, it usually doesn't bother them.  He will make a nice lap dog.   He is reduced to 1500.00  He has such a sweet face.  SOLD


He has a deposit on him.

Biloxi was born 2/17/21  to Curly Sue Apricot and 8 lb. and Carrot Top red  and 2 1/2 lb.  Biloxi  weighs 3 lb. 7 oz. at 11 weeks.  Only one test has dropped so far.  So will probably be a better pet than breeder.  SOLD

Sammy was born 2/17/21 to Ginger apricot and 7 lb.  and Red Ziggy who is 6 lb.  He is 2lb. and 5 oz. at 11 weeks. He is $2500.00

All pups below are in their new homes,  Many  Thanks to all of you.  Marietta

Jo Jo is SOLD

Jo Jo at 13 weeks.   So Sweet

8/17/2020 Pimento and Penny had two male and one female.

He is sold 

Elmo at 3 weeks  SOLD

The tiny female is SOLD

   Penny  6 lb, and red and Pimento 6 1/2 lb. also red  had two males and one female 8/17/2020. All three are red.  One male is larger at 9 ounces and lighter red than the other two.  The male is 8 ounces and the female is 5 ounces.  She has the pink bow beside her.  

Elmo two weeks and just opening his eyes

She is SOLD

Paprika 8 lb and red and Pimento red and 6 1/2 lb had one large female on 8/15/2020.  She is the largest, darkest, and most curly hair of all of them. She weighs 15 ounces at 9 days.

Ginger's little girl is SOLD

Ginger  apricot 6 1/2 lb and Pimento red and 6 1/2 lb. Had one little girl on 8/18/2020.  She is dark red like her dad.  She weighs 5 ounces at 7 days. She is dainty like her mom.

Both females are sold.

Honey red and 8 lb.and Pimento red and 6 1/2 lb. had one male and two females on 8/24/2010.   The one by the blue is the male and weighs 9 ounces at one week.  The girls weigh 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 oz.


Foxie's male is four weeks on the 18th.He was born     April 18,2020.   He has three sisters sold before they were born.    He is AKC registered with full breeding rights.  SOLD


Honey no.2 is a male born to Honey  red and 8 lb. Pimento red and 6 1/2 lb.  on Feb. 11,2020.   He is Three lbs. at 12 weeks.   They have had their shots, just received their rabies shot and tag.  They hate the flash on my camera and tuck their tail down.  They hold it up so pretty when playing.  I  still can't ship because of the shut down.  People have been driving here.  Also I drive to the  Springfield Mo. Airport or  Rolla, or Poplar Bluff to meet you for $50.00 Some have flown into the airport at St Louis and rented a car to Rolla.  Saves them 200 miles.


 They look alike.  Honey no.1 is also three lb. at 12 weeks.Everything is the same as No. 2  


Sammy was born to Penny red and 6 lb. Pimento red and 6 1/2 lb. on Feb. 12,2020.He 2 lb 15 oz. at 12 weeks These pictures are darker than he is.  Wish he was this color.  He is red, but not this dark.  He has had his puppy shots and just received his rabies when we went in for their 12 week health exam.  He is APRI registered with full breeding rights.


Jerry was born to Penny red 6 lb. and Pimento 6 1/2 lb.on Feb. 12,2020.  He is registered with APRI with full breeding rights.  He weighs 2 lb.13 oz. at 12 weeks.  He is current with his wormings and shots.  He just passed his 12 week health exam and received his rabies shot and tag.


Ziggy was born to Ginger and Pimento on 8/10/2020.  He is so sweet.  Loves attention.  They are all truly lap dogs.   He will be small as well, around 5 to 6 lb. grown. He is APRI registered with full breeding rights. SOLD

SOLD  Timmy is a dark red.   He is 5 lb. at 5 months.  He is APRI reg. with full breeding rights. He is ready for his new home.  His nose is dark.  My flash on my camera washes thru to their skin.  Notice when he has his head turned, his nose is dark.  

Annie was born Aug.7,2019.  She can hardly  wait for me to set down to the computer.  That means she get to set on my lap for a long nap.  Don't you love her big dark eyes and nose.  She will make a wonderful mother as well as a wonderful companion.  Her younger pict. as well as new born pict. are down a few dogs.    SOLD

Sara below is sold. 

Mom caught me with the shears.


 Ginger and Carrot Top  little girl.  She is 2 1/2 lb. at 5 months.   Don't you love her eyes? 

Red Foxie 7 1/2 lb, and Red Pimento 6 1/2 lb. gave me Three males and one female on Oct. 4,2019. Her name is Precious.  She is   ready to go home with you.

She is SOLD

Above is Precious 9 weeks . 

  Her pict. at 5 1/2 months is Born Aug. 7,2019. Annie is 17 weeks old.  Her mom is red Honey 7 `/2 lb. and dad is  red Pimento 6 1/2 lb. .


All 6 of my females had babies in 8 days.  WOW ! Lucinda Black and Carrot Top red,have a black female and a black male born August 4 2019.  Rose Bud and Pimento both red, had three females and one male on Aug. 6,  Honey red and Pimento had her first litter of 2 males and 2 females all red Aug. 7th.. Ginger apricot and Carrot Top had 2 red males and 2 red females,  One may turn apricot. Aug. 10th. Paprika red and Pimento had 2 males and 1 female dark red. Aug. 11th.    Curly Sue  apricot and Pimento had 3 males and one female. Aug 12th.  Needless to say .  I am quite busy right now. I will start taking  pict. around the first of Sept.  I can tell more about their size and their eyes are stronger at that time as well.  I don't like the flash from my camera in their eyes  Their hair will get fuller, eyes brighter, and face slimmer.  I love watching all of the different stages of their life.  It also makes it hard to let them go. 

SOLD  was born Aug. 10/2019.  She weighs 2 1/2 lb at 11 weeks.  Her mom is Ginger 5 1/2 lb. apricot.  Her dad is Carrot Top red and 3 1/2 lb.  She has two brothers and one sister.  She loves to set and cuddle.  She has beautiful non tearing eyes.  Love this blood line. 

Sweetie is SOLD

Sweetie is SOLD

Black Lucinda is SOLD

Black Lucinda is SOLD

SOLD    He is 10 weeks in this pict.  Curly Sue apricot , 7 1/2 lb and  Pimento  red, 6 1/2 lb.  Had three males and one female on 8/12/2019.

Above is Curly Sue and Pimento male 2.  Look at his face when looking down.  His face is solid red.  The flash on my camera washes it out  When closer to me.  They are all 10 weeks old in these pict.


Above is the smallest of The litter  He is now big enough  to fly.  

SOLD below

SOLD   3 1/2 lb.Carrot top and Black 8 lb Lucinda had a black male on Aug. 4th.  He will probably be 7 or 8 lb. grown.  He has full breeding rights with APRI with three generation pedigree.  He will be ready for his new home after Sept. 29th.    He is $1200.00

 She is SOLD  This is Rose Buds second little red girl.

SOLD   Rose Bud female was born Aug.6,2019 to Rose Bud and Pimento.  She weighs 2and a half lb. at 11 weeks.  She will probably be around 5 lb. grown.  She is current with her shots and worming.  She loves to cuddle, but hates the bright flash of my camera.   She is a dark red.  Her nose is dark as well.  In the pict. the light reflects and makes it look lighter.  She is ready to go to her new home.

  Skipper was born Aug.6,2019 to Rose Bud and Pimento.  He weighs 2 3/4 lb at 11 weeks.  He is APRI registered with full breeding rights.  He will also make a fun loving pet to run and play. SOLD

SOLD  This is Honey and Pimento's other female baby. 

This is Honey and Pimento's male No. 1 He is  $8.00. 


Above is Honey and Pimento largest boy.  He is almost 4 lb. at almost 10  weeks.  He is such a quiet lover boy.  Don't you love his beautiful eyes?  Also no tears.  I have tried to keep my blood lines clear of that.  Kids would love him.   He is 8 lbs at 16 weeks.  

SOLD  This is the smaller male and darker red of Honey and Pimento.      His nose looks lite in some pict.  It is a dark red. 

Paprika red and 7 1/2 lb and Pimento red and 6 1/2 lb had two males and one female on Aug. 11,2019.  They have full registration with APRI. 

SOLD This is Paprika's little girl.  She will probably be 7 or 8 lbs grown.  She is the darkest female of all of the litters.  She is

Paprika's male 1 is SOLD

Paprika's male 2 is a real dark red.  The green back ground was at 4 wks. and one lb. 5 oz. the blue is 5 weeks and 1lb. 10 oz.  He wiill slow down once he is fully weaned.  He is APRI registered with full breeding rights.  

SOLD All of the puppies  below have new homes.


Foxie is SOLD

He was born Feb. 7,19.  Meet Foxie. He has had all of his shots including rabies.  He is ready for his new home.   His mom is Paprika 7 lb. and red.  His dad is Pimento red and 6 1/2 lb. He is on the smaller side. His face looks light.  It is red like the rest of his body.. You can see when his head is down. 

Toby is SOLD.  Meet Toby, he was born Feb. 15.2019.  His mom is Curly Sue.  She is apricot and 7 lbs, Dad is Pimento red and 6 1/2 lb.  He will probably be 7 lbs. grown.  Always a guess.  He will probably turn apricot when grown.  She usually had red and apricot in her litters with a red male. 

I have decide again, that I need to keep him.  Marietta

Meet Dexter born 12/28/2019.   His mom is Rose Bud and 4 1/2 lb.  His dad is red and 6 1/2 lb.  He is real small.  His coat is very soft and wavy always looks combed.  I was keeping him, but realize I have to slow down.  He has his Great Grandmothers large beautiful eyes. 


SOLD    Jerry was born Feb. 7,2019.  His mom is Paprika 7 lb. and red.  His dad is 6 1/2 lb. red.  They all come running wanting to be picked up. 

SOLD Curly Sue is Apricot,  and 7 lb.  and Pimento is Red 6 1/2 lb. had three males and one female on Feb. 15,2019.  Meet  Katie, she is a very loving little baby.  She will be a light red or apricot when grown. 

SOLD  Pixie has full breeding rights with her APRI registration.  Pixie was born Jan. 10,2019.  Isn't she cute.  She is so lovable.  Her mom is dark apricot and 7  1/2 lb, her dad is red and 3 1/2 lb.  I love her little impish face.   

SOLD  Candy was born Jan. 10,2019.  She is APRI registered with full breeding rights.  She is 7 1/2 weeks in these pictures.  She weighs one lb. 15 ounces.  Her dame is 7 1/2 lb. and dark apricot or light red.  The dad is 3 1/2 lb. and red.  She is $1400.00  Shipping is $325.


Velvet was born 1/10/2019. There were three females in her litter.  Mom is dark apricot,7 1/2 lb dad is red and 3 1/2 lb.  Velvet is APRI reg.  with full breeding rights. She weighs one lb 15 ounces at 8 weeks.   Also three generation pedigree. 

Velvet at 6 weeks.

SOLD  Hunter was born Dec. 31 2018.  His mom is Ginger,  5 1/2 lb.and     apricot. Dad is Pimento is  red and 6 1/2 lb.   He is 6 weeks in these pictures and weighs one and a half lb.     He is $1400.00

He is 7 wks. and weighs one lb. and ten oz. in the pict. below.

  SOLD  Cherry is the darkest red of the three babies.  She was born Dec. 31,2018.  She is 2 lbs at 6 weeks,


Dexter was born Dec. 12/28/2018 to Rose Bud and Pimento. both red. He weighs 1 lb. 12 oz. at 7 weeks.   He has full breeding rights with APRI.  

SOLD  Scarlet was born Dec. 28th2018.  She is 7 weeks and two lb. 12 oz.  Her mom is Rose Bud five lb. dad is 6 1/2 lb. both red.

 SOLD  Meet Jasper HE WAS BORN OCT. 2,2018.  HIS MOM IS RED AND 8 LB.  HIS DAD IS RED AND 6 1/2 LB.  HE IS $1400.00 READY AFTER DEC. 1.


Jasper is 2 1/2 lb. at 9 weeks. 

SOLD   .  He  was born Oct.2,2018.  He is APRI reg. with full breeding rights. Both parents are AKC and APRI reg.  I have him reg. with APRI.  He weighs6 lb 6 oz at 4 months.   

Cooper is 3 1/2 lb. at 9 weeks. 

Enough pictures already!  He is now 5 1/2 lb at 13 weeks. 

SOLD   Meet Scarlett , She was born oct. 2, 2018. Her mom is dark red and 8 lb. her dad is red and  6 1/2 . She is two lb 5 oz. at 6 weeks. She has full breeding rights with APRI.  She is adorable.  Her curls are starting already. .  Her sister is already sold.  She has two brothers That are red.

Redford is sold

Redford was born August 1.2018 to Pimento dark red and 6 1/2 lb.  and Curly Sue  apricot and 7 lb.  He weighs 4 1/2 lb. at 4 months.  He is APRI registered with full breeding rights.  There was three males in his litter.  The other two are sold.  His tail is docked and dew claws removed.  He has a clean bill of health.  He has finished his puppy shot as well as his rabies shot and tag.  He is ready for his new family. 

Sparky is SOLD  He  was born July 29,2018. His mom is 7 lb. and his dad is 3 1/2 lb. Both are red.  He is 4lb. 14 oz. at 15 weeks.   He has real thick hair.  He is a real love bug.  His mom greets every one. 

SOLD    Lucinda and Carrot Top had a red male and a
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black female on July 17,2018.  The male is sold.  Here is Black Velvet.  Don't you love her tight shiny black curls?  She is a real play thing.  Very hard to get pict. 


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She wants to run and play instead of posing.  

All puppies below are   SOLD  Thank you so much. 

Mickey is SOLD

She is SOLD Meet Penny and Pimento's two girls.  They were born  July 25,2018.  They both weigh one lb. 11 ounces.  at 7 weeks.  There were three females, one is already sold.  Mom and dad are both red and both weigh 6 lb.   This is Poppy She is solid red, no white spot. 

This is Penny and Pimento's other girl.  Her name is Fergi  She is one lb. eleven ounces at seven weeks. SOLD

Baily is SOLD

Bailey was born July 17,2018. He is 6 weeks in these pict.  He  also weighs 2lb. 14 ounces. He will probably be a miniature poodle.  

SOLD   Rose Bud and Pimento 's little girl was born May 4,2018.   Tinker Bell is 16 weeks old in these pictures.  She weighs a even 3 lb. 

Tinker Bell is three lb. 5 ounces, at 4 1/2 months. 

Polly is SOLD, she is one lb and 6 ounces at 6 1/2 weeks.

SOLD This is Polly at 7 1 /2 weeks old. 

Teddy was born May 10,2018.   He will be a large toy or small miniature.  He weighs 3 lb. 5 oz. at 9 weeks.  He is so sweet.  I love his very dark eyes.  My daughter picks him up first when she comes over.  He watches my eyes so close.  He has full breeding rights with APRI  

Teddy is SOLD.

Teddy at 10 11/2 weeks.

SOLD  Meet Emmie, she is one lb. 4 ounces at 6 1/2 weeks.

Izzie is SOLD

Meet Izzie, She is the smallest at one pound and 1 ounce at 6 1/2 weeks. 

Dixie is SOLD

This is Dixie.  She is one lb. 10 ounces at 7 weeks.  She is $1600.00.

Meet Kerry.  She is Rose Bud and Pimento little girl.  She weighs one lb. 11 ounces at 7 weeks.  She is the darkest of this litter.  The colors aren't good on them.  My camera catches the tips of their coat and washes out the rest. 

 She is SOLD.  Tiny Minnie.  She is the tiny one of Myra and Pimento.  She was 2 1/2 ounces when born.  She has been gaining every sense.  She is one pound 15 ounces at 8 1/2 weeks.  She is half the size of her brother and sister, but she doesn't think so.  They are leaving this week end.  She won't be happy.  I am holding her here until after the 18th so she can have another puppy five way shot before she leaves here.   She has never had any illness, just tiny frame. She is the only puppy I have left.  Will be  June or July before I have more to sell.  She is $1600.00.    

She can sure talk with her eyes.  She was DONE!


Molly at 5 1/2 weeks.  She was born to Pimento red 6 lb. and Myra apricot and 8 lb.  She was born Feb. 7,2018She hates the flash on my camera.  Poor thing just freezes up.  I don't blame her. 

Molly at 7 1/2 weeks. She weighs 2 lb. 5 ounces.   She will be ready for her new home the week end of April 14.  She is $1600.00

 Curly Sue and Pimento had two male and one female on Jan 26,2018 . Meet Sweetie.  Isn't she sweet?  She is 1 3/4 at almost 6 weeks.  She will probably be 5 to 7 lbs. grown.  She is APRI registered and has full breeding rights.  She will be ready for her new home after March 31.     SOLD

Sweetie, a few days older.  SOLD

Here is Sweetie at 7 weeks and 2 lb. having lots of fun. 

Baily was born Jan 26 to Curly Sue and Pimento.  He weighs 1 1/2 lb. at almost 6 weeks.  He is APRI with  full breeding rights.  He is the smallest in the litter.  His curls are so soft and shinny.  He was always the first to want to be picked up. 


Baily at 7 weeks.  He is 2 pounds.

 Meet Sparky, he is Curly Sue and Pimento's little boy.  He is APRI registered with a three generation pedigree.     He weighs 2 1/4 lb. at almost 6 weeks.  I love her babies.  I have kept a female from two of her litters.  They are just as sweet and beautiful  as she is. I just realized that he has a over bite.  Which means his upper teeth are over his lower teeth, instead of meeting. You only see it when you open his mouth.  It doesn't affect his eating.      SOLD

Myra and Pimento had two female and one male on Feb. 7,2018.Myra is dark apricot and 8 lbs.  Pimento is dark red and 6 lbs.

Jimmy  is SOLD

SOLD Lil Annie was born on Christmas Eve.  Her mom is New Penny and is red and 5 1/2 lb.  Her dad is Pimento and is red and 6 lb. She is APRI reg. with full breeding rights.  She has had her tail docked and dew claws removed.  She is starting to play and working on her bark, so cute.  She is the only I have left,  right now.  Thanks for admiring her.  Marietta   She is $1600.00 . 

Petunia  has been sold.  She is going to Ca. 

 I should have a red litter the last of Dec. and another the 20th of Jan.  Thanks to all who have visited my babies.  Also every one that has given them their new homes.  Marietta

 SOLD Jason was born   to Rose Bud and Pimento. on August 25,2017.  He has a brother and sister.  He is 1 1/4 lb. at 8 weeks. 

 SOLD  Teddy.  He is also Rose Bud and pimento's baby boy.  He weighs 2 lb. at 8 weeks. 

 SOLD    Danny is Lucinda and Chili's boy.  He will be a larger toy or miniature. .  He is 11 to 12 inches tall and 7 1/2 lbs at 15 weeks.   He is APRI registered with full breeding rights.  He was born July 12, 2017. . 


I really am a very happy boy.  But mom keeps trying to blind me with that funny little box. 


SOLD   Minnie is the only one left in this litter.  She is  $1200.00.   . Bella and Chili had three females on July 10,2017.  Bella is a dark apricot or light red.  Chili is red . Both are 7 lb.

Minnie at 13 weeks.  She has real shiny soft curls.  So lovable.


 Curly Sue and Pimento had five babies ,  four male and one female on June 27,2017 I have one male  left.  Tommy is 4 1/2 lb. at 17 weeks. They  are registered with APRI with full breeding rights.  They  come with a three generation pedigree.  They have their tail docked and dew claws removed.  They are current with their shots and wormings. 

Jerry at 13 weeks.  He will be a large toy or small miniature.  $900.00   SOLD

 Princess, is SOLD  She is the only female in the litter of five.  She is 6 weeks in these pictures.She will be around 6 or 7 lb. grown.  Always a guess.  She has her mothers eyes.

 Princess seven weeks later.  She is 5 lb.  at 13 weeks. So will be larger than the chart said going by her birth weight.    SOLD

Meet Tommy.  He is charting to be 5 to 6 lbs grown.  He is another of Curly Sue's babies. 

Tommy at 8 weeks.  The light color on his face is a reflection.  He is solid red.


Tommy at 13 weeks and weighing 3 lb. 

Tommy at 17 weeks.   He weighs 4 lb. 10 oz.

Paprica and Pimento had two male and one female on June 24,2017.  They will be dark red like both of their parents. 

.  . ALL OF THE rest have gone to their new family's SOLD                                                                                 

Tiny Tim weighs one lb. 3 oz, at 5 and one half weeks.  That is charting him to be four to four and a half lb. grown.  I will probably let him go to his new home around the 26 of August.  I keep the tiny ones a little longer.  His price will be $1500.00.  SOLD

Jimmy is SOLD.  Jimmy is the brother to Tin Tim.  He is one lb and 7oz. at 5 1/2  weeks.  This charts him to be 4 1/2 to 5 lbs gown.  He is $1500.00

Pixie is SOLD

Pixie was born to Paprika and Pimento  on June 24,2017.  She  is a dark red like her parents.  She weighs one lb 10 ounces.  She is charted to be 6 1/2 lbs like both of her parents.  She will be ready Aug. 19,2017

Pixie at almost 6 weeks.  Like babies, they change rapidly.  Don't you love her big black eyes and nose. 

Both girls are SOLD.  Penny and Carrot Top  gave me two female babies.  The red is already sold.  Carmela  will be apricot in color.   They were born June 7,2017.  She will be ready the weekend of August 5th.  She weighs one lb. 5 ounces at 6 1/2 weeks.  Dam is 4 1/2 lbs. Sire is 3 1/2 lb.  Both parents are AKC and APRI registered.  I have chose APRI for her registration.  She will have full breeding rights. She is current with shots and wormings.  Tail has been docked and dew claws removed.  She loves to be held.  Nothing like puppy love.  She is $1400.00

Five Weeks old.

Six weeks old.

Carrot Top and Ginger had one male and two females on Feb. 12,2017.  They will be ready for their new home on April 13,2017. They are APRI registered with full breeding rights. 

SOLD.She is a dark apricot. Meet Gee Gee female 

Meet Pimento female


SOLD  Meet Joe Joe 

SOLD  Joe Joe at 9 weeks

All below are sold.

  Curly Sue and Carrot Top had two male and one female on January 1,2017.  She started out the year right.  I always knew she was special.  This is Star Buck.  He is 6 weeks and weighs 1 1/2 lb. In these  pictures. As always,  he has had his tail docked and dew claws removed.  He is current with shots and wormings. He is registered with APRI and has full breeding rights.  His mom is light apricot and 7 1/2 lb.  and his dad is red and 3 1/2 lb. will be ready for his new home on Feb.26th.

Star Buck is SOLD

s Toby,Curly Sue's other boy.  He will be a large toy or small miniature poodle.  He is 3 lbs at 6 weeks.  He will make a wonderful play mate for a child.  Also a larger breeder.  I just love to bury my face in his soft hair and cuddly body.

Toby is SOLD

Meet Penny, Curly Sue's only little girl.  She is adorable.  She weighs 2 1/4 lb at 6 weeks.  It is fun to watch all of them playing.  My retired moms love them as well.    Cute to see them all piled on top of each other sleeping. She will be ready for her new home after Feb. 26.  Her price is $1200.00. 

Penny is SOLD

SOLD   Lucinda and Carrot Top had two little girls.  on January 5,2017.  Taffeta has real shiny black curls. She is a real sweet baby.  She likes to sleep on top of my feet. Her mom is black and 7 1/2 lb. Her dad is red and 3 1/2lb . She will be ready for her new home on March 2 nd.  She is $1200.00

SOLD  Meet Tiffany, she is the other precious girl of Lucinda and Carrot Top.  Don't you love tho's beautiful eyes.  She gets them from her mom.

SOLD,  a fun puppy.  Taylor was born June 18,2016.  He is APRI registered.  He has had his puppy shots.  He will be apricot in color.  He is going to be a large toy or a small miniature.   He loves to play and get along with all ages of dogs and puppies.  I pick him up and he melts in my arms.. 


Hot Pepper was born June 18, 2016.  He is 2 lb 2oz. at 10 weeks.  His Dad is red 3 1/2 lb, his mom is apricot and 5 1/2 lbs. I am keeping the only female.  The brothers are sold.  He is APRI full registration with a three generation pedigree.  He is current with his shots and wormings.  He has had his tail docked and dew claws removed.  Don't you love his black nose and eyes.  A perfect little love bug.  


Poppy.  She was born June 18,2016.  She is a apricot.  I love her eyes  She will probably be around 5 to 6 lbs grown.  One thing for sure, she is very lovable.  She is ready for her new home.  She is APRI full registration. 


Sweet Pea at 8 weeks.  She is 3 lbs.  Sooo Sweet.

Flash is sold. 

Flash  is the only one of Curly Sue's babies left.  He is the smallest at 2 1/2 lbs at 11 weeks.  He is so sweet and cuddly.  They are all so easy to spoil. 


Just reduced him to $800.00  Dazzle is Bella and Carrot Top boy.  He will make a beautiful pet or breeder.  I love his big dark eyes and nose.   Each one is special in their own way.   He weighs 3 lb. 12 ounces at 15 weeks.

Penny is SOLD

 she is Curly Sue and Carrot tops baby.  Meet Penny,  She is so cute.  Don't you love her big eyes. 

Jasper is SOLD

 He is Curly Sue and Carrot Top's baby. Meet Jasper.  He is so sweet.  They are really getting cute.  Trying to bark and growl.  


Below are 4 males from Bella dark apricot, 7 to 7 1/2 lb.  and Carrot Top red and 3 1/2 lb. .  She has one red, two phantom, one light apricot.  They will be ready for their new home on July 27th. 

Phantom is SOLD

  Phantom,.  I held him back for a breeder.  His testicles haven't come down yet.  So unless something changes, he is a pet.  But what a beautiful pet.  His curls are so soft and shiny.  They always look like they have gel on them.  He is so sweet.  I have kind of spoiled him.  Wish I could keep him.  It is always hard to let them go. 




  He is full APRI registered with a three generation pedigree.  Hunter at 10 weeks.   Isn't he pretty.  He has always melted into my hands as soon as I pick him up.  He will be 7 or 8 lbs.  It is always a guess.  He would love to have kids to play with.  He loves to play.  His current pict. are near the top of the page.





Cappuccino was born January 12,2016.  He is black but has red and apricot shaded.  Extra thick curly hair.  He is always ready to be picked up and cuddled.     He will be ready to go to his new home around March 18. 

SOLD Carrot Top was born November 17,2015.  He is 7 weeks in these pictures.  He weighs 3 lbs.  He is the largest of the five babies.  He is also the darkest red.  He will probably be 7 or 8 lbs grown.  It is kind of like guessing how tall your kids are going to be.  He is APRI reg. with full breeding rights.  He is current with his shots and wormings.  

Are you sure you need more pictures?

She is SOLD

Penny was born Nov. 17, 2015.  She is a very precious little girl.  Her weight is 2 1/4 pounds at 8 weeks.  She is current with her shots and wormings. Tail is docked and dew claws removed. She is registered with APRI. She has full breeding rights. There are 5 beautiful babies.  The mom is always beside me.  

Carmella born July 18,2015.     SOLD

Carmella's parents are Lucinda and Cody. She was from a litter of 5.  She weighs 1 1/2 lbs at 8 weeks.  She looks a lot bigger in the pictures. She is a true lap baby.  Every time I go into the family room, she starts begging to be up.  She is content to set beside me or in my lap while I do paper work or read.  She just wants to be touching me.  She is a soft  cuddly apricot  baby.  

Modeling is so tiring.

Cody was born May9,2015.  SOLD

Carrot Top and Myra had three males and two females on Feb. 11,2015.    

All of these are SOLD.

Hot Pepper  is the smallest of the babies.  He doesn't know it tho.  They are so cute rolling and trying out their new voices.   They are registered with APRI. with full breeding rights. He weighs 2 1/2 lb. at 7 1/2 weeks.  The white on his chin is gone now.    They are current with their puppy shots and wormings.  Their tails have been docked and dew claws removed.  They will be ready for their new home on April 8th. 

Meet Red Baron.  He is 6 weeks in these photo's.  He weighs 2 1/2 lbs.  They are all so sweet.    Thanks

  Meet Ball of Fire.   He is also 2 1/2 lbs at 6 weeks.  They all have beautiful thick dark red hair.  It is starting to curl.

Cotton Candy is sold to a family in Co.  Thanks.

Below,  Bella and Cody babies born January 22,2015.  

Bella and Cody  January 22,2015. She just went to a wonderful family in Kansas.   

Samantha is the only black left.   Don't you love her eyes?  She is $800.00

All of these  below have new homes.  Thanks so much. 

Curly Sue     All of these are sold.    Thanks to all who have admired my babies.

This is Curly Sue's second litter.  Above is the picture  of her earlier litter.  She is such a loving momma.  She now has 5 more lovely babies.  .   They were born October 14,2014.  She had three boys and two girls.     Mom is 4 1/2 lb and dad is 5 lb.  Both apricot with red in their blood line. They are registered with APRI.  They are current with their shots and wormings.   They will be old enough to sell on Dec. 10 th.     We ship to most major airports.  We will drive up to 100 miles to meet you for $10000.  That is usually Poplar Bluff, Springfield, Rolla, and some of Ar.  We  nice.  Thanks for admiring her.  Marietta


 Curly Sue's precious baby boys.  He was born October 14.  He will be ready for his new home on Dec. 10.  It is so cute to watch them play with each other.  There is no fast walking in the house any more.  All five help me walk from room to room.   They are current with their shots and wormings.   They are registered with APRI.  We can ship to most major airports for $300.00.  .  We accept pay pal or if you prefer, moneygram as payment.  Of course cash is always nice if we meet.  Thanks for admiring him.  Marietta


Ho Ho  is another one  of Curly Sue's little boys. 

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He is always checking things out.   He loves to carry around small stuffed toys. They all have nice level backs.  Don't you love his big beautiful eyes?  Look at his little Christmas tree tail.

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  He holds it up so nice.  He loves to give kisses.  Their hair is starting to curl now.  We can ship to most major airports for $300.00.  .    Thanks for admiring him.  Marietta
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